US/U 4.2 Universal Schnittstelle 4 fach (2024)

{{recommendedPrice}}<\/div>\n {{\/recommendedPrice}}\n\n

\n {{effectivePrice}}\n\n {{#effectivePriceSuffix}}\n {{effectivePriceSuffix}}<\/span>\n {{\/effectivePriceSuffix}}\n <\/div>\n\n {{#secondaryPrice}}\n

\n {{secondaryPrice}}\n {{secondaryPriceSuffix}}<\/span>\n <\/div>\n {{\/secondaryPrice}}\n\n

\n {{priceQuantityLabel}} {{priceQuantity}}\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n



\n {{#features}}\n \n ' + ' {{#canAddToBasket}}{{/canAddToBasket}}' + ' ' + ''; var ITEM_PACKAGING_UNIT_TABLE_ENTRY_TEMPLATE = '' + ' ' + ' {{#canAddToBasket}}{{/canAddToBasket}}' + ''; function clearMessages() { $("#messageBox").hide() $("#messageBox").empty(); } function hasMessage() { return !($("#messageBox").css('display') === 'none'); } function notify(type, message) { var $notify = $.notify({ // options message: message, icon: 'fa fa-check-circle-o' }, { // settings type: type, offset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, newest_on_top: true, placement: { from: 'bottom', align: 'center' }, animate: { enter: 'animated slideInUp', exit: 'animated slideOutDown' }, delay: 5000, template: '

' + '' + ' ' + '{1}' + '{2}' + '

' }); $messages.push($notify); } /** * Pushes the Footer to the bottom of the viewport */ function calcContentHeight() { var newHeight = $(window).height() - $('.footer').outerHeight(true); $('.wrapper-js').css('min-height', newHeight + 'px'); } $(document).ready(function (e) { $(window).resize(calcContentHeight); calcContentHeight(); }); /** * Calculates content container height to make sure sidebar-filter is long enough */ function calcSidebarHeight() { var newSidebarHeight = $(window).height() - $('.footer').outerHeight(true) - $('.header').outerHeight(true); $('.sidebar-filter-js').css('min-height', newSidebarHeight + 'px'); } $(window).load(function () { $(window).resize(calcSidebarHeight); calcSidebarHeight(); }); function fileUpload(url, target, params, allowedExtensions) { var container = target; new qq.FileUploader({ element: target, action: url, params: params, debug: false, onComplete: function (cmp_id, fileName, responseJSON) { clearMessages(); // the basket file uploader overwrites the normal file uploader logic if (responseJSON.basketUploadHandling) { handleBasketFileUploaderResponse(responseJSON); return; } // the customer item numbers uploader needs to be handled differently if (!isEmpty(responseJSON.redirectUri)) { loadUrl(responseJSON.redirectUri); return; } // default handling handleDefaultFileUploaderResponse(responseJSON); }, showMessage: function (message) { // We generally send a flag "error" which is true or false as // part of the response. Sadly, fileUploader.js checks for this // flag (expecting a string) and invokes showMessage is present. // Therefore we have to filter this here :-/ if (message !== true) { clearMessages(); addError(message); } }, messages: { typeError: 'Ungültiger Dateityp', sizeError: 'Datei zu groß', minSizeError: 'Datei zu klein', emptyError: 'Datei ist leer' }, allowedExtensions: allowedExtensions, template: '

' + '

Ziehen Sie Dateien hierher, um diese hochzuladen…

' + '

Datei auswählen…

' + '

    ' + '

    ', fileTemplate: '
  • ' + '' + '' + '' + 'Abbrechen' + 'Upload fehlgeschlagen' + '
  • ' }); } function addInfo(message, action, actionLabel) { if (action) { $('

    ' + message + ' ' + actionLabel + '

    ').appendTo($('#messageBox')); } else { $('').html(message).appendTo($('#messageBox')); } } function addError(message) { $('').html(message).appendTo($('#messageBox')); } /** * Refreshes the basket info in the header section */ function refreshBasketInfo(response) { $('.header-basket-sum-js').html("" + response.basketPrice + ""); $('.order-details .order-type').text(response.basketShippingInfo); $('.header-basket-badge-js').text(response.basketPositions); if (!isEmpty(response.basketTitle)){ $(".basket-title-js").html(response.basketTitle); } let _progressBarWrapper = $('.basket-progress-bar-wrapper'); if (response.progressBar) { _progressBarWrapper.removeClass('hide'); _progressBarWrapper.html(Mustache.render(BASKET_PROGRESS_BAR_HEADER_TEMPLATE, { progressBar: response.progressBar })); } else { _progressBarWrapper.addClass('hide'); } return response; } /** * A file uploaded to the basketUploader requires a special response handling. */ function handleBasketFileUploaderResponse(responseJSON) { if (responseJSON.error) { addError(responseJSON.message); } else if (responseJSON.success) { showBasketSuccessMessage(responseJSON); refreshBasketInfoAsync(responseJSON); if (responseJSON.warning) { addWarningMessage(responseJSON.warningMessage); } } $("#messageBox").show(); } /** * The json response handling for customer item number uploads in the frontend. */ function handleCustomerItemNumbersUploaderResponse(responseJSON) { loadUrl("/settings/customer-item-numbers"); } /** * The default json response handling for file uploads in the frontend. */ function handleDefaultFileUploaderResponse(responseJSON) { if (responseJSON.error) { addError(responseJSON.message); } else if (responseJSON.success) { if (responseJSON.message) { addSuccessMessage(responseJSON.message); } if (responseJSON.warning) { addWarningMessage(responseJSON.warningMessage); } if (responseJSON.errorDetails) { addInfo(responseJSON.errorDetails); } } $("#messageBox").show(); }

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    \n {{feature}}\n <\/td>\n \n {{value}} {{unit}}\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n {{\/features}}\n<\/table>\n{{\/hasFeatures}}\n\n{{^hasFeatures}}\n {{noCommonFeatures}}\n{{\/hasFeatures}}'; function loadItemText() { var overwriteLongtext = true; var $longtext = $("#output-longtext"); if (overwriteLongtext || $longtext.length === 0 || isEmpty($longtext.html().trim())) { loadOxomiItemText(); } } function load3dViewer() { var shouldDisplay3dViewer = true; if (shouldDisplay3dViewer) { loadOxomiItem3dModel(); } } /** * Increments the item quantity by a certain amount *

    * Uses toFixed to round the result to the right number of decimals to prevent errors due to floating point * arithmetic. * * @param id the ID of the input field to increment * @param orderStep the amount to increment */ function incrementItemQuantity(id, orderStep) { var $input = $('#' + id); var result = parseFloat((parseFloat($input.val()) + orderStep).toFixed(3)); $input.val(result); } /** * Decrements the item quantity by a certain amount *

    * Uses toFixed to round the result to the right number of decimals to prevent errors due to floating point * arithmetic. * * @param id the ID of the input field to decrement * @param orderStep the amount to decrement * @param minOrderQuantity the minimum order quantity */ function decrementItemQuantity(id, orderStep, minOrderQuantity) { var $input = $('#' + id); var result = parseFloat((parseFloat($input.val()) - orderStep).toFixed(3)); if (result < minOrderQuantity) { $input.val(minOrderQuantity); } else { $input.val(result); } } var IMAGE_OVERLAY_TEMPLATE = '

    ' + '

    ' + '

    ' + ' {{#images}}' + '

    ' + '

    ' + ' US/U 4.2 Universal Schnittstelle 4 fach (1)' + '

    ' + '

    ' + ' {{/images}}' + '

    ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '

    ' + '

    '; function createImageOverlay($container) { // Event handler that opens the item image overlay and displays the clicked image var showArrows = true; var fadeIn = false; $container.on('click', 'a', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var currentUrl = $(this).attr('href'); var currentIndex = 0; var images = []; // Find all item images and the index of the one that was clicked $container.find('.item-image-js').filter(function (index, element) { return !$(element).parent().hasClass('slick-cloned'); }).each(function (index, element) { var url = $(element).attr('href'); images.push(url); if (url === currentUrl) { currentIndex = index; } }); if (images.length === 0) { return; } // Generate and add the overlay to the DOM var $overlay = $(Mustache.render(IMAGE_OVERLAY_TEMPLATE, {'images': images})); var $slider = $overlay.find('.image-overlay-images-js'); $('body').addClass('image-overlay-open').append($overlay); if (fadeIn) { $overlay.hide().fadeIn(); } // Generate the slider $slider.slick({ slidesToShow: 1, dots: true, arrows: showArrows, initialSlide: currentIndex }); // Event handler for pressing escape, left/right arrow keys var keydownHandler = function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { closeOverlay(); } else if (e.keyCode === 37) { $slider.slick('slickPrev'); } else if (e.keyCode === 39) { $slider.slick('slickNext'); } }; // Function that closes the overlay and removes the escape key event handler var closeOverlay = function (e) { $('body').removeClass('image-overlay-open'); $overlay.remove(); $(document).off('keydown', keydownHandler); }; // Click on the close button closes the overlay $overlay.find('.image-overlay-close').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); closeOverlay(); }); // Click on the background closes the overlay $ (e) { if ( !== this) { return; } closeOverlay(); }); // Event handler for keyboard inputs $(document).keydown(keydownHandler); }); }
    ' + ' ' + ' Menge übernehmen' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{scalePrice}}' + ' je {{priceQuantity}}' + '
    ' + '

    ' + ' {{name}} {{quantity}} {{unit}}' + '

    ' + '
    ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' Menge übernehmen' + ' ' + '

    US/U 4.2 Universal Schnittstelle 4 fach (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Mr. See Jast

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5735

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    Author information

    Name: Mr. See Jast

    Birthday: 1999-07-30

    Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

    Phone: +5023589614038

    Job: Chief Executive

    Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

    Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.